영문법 ::: 7. 형용사(Adjective) Ⅱ
Ⅰ. 형용사의 격변화 (원급 - 비교급 - 최상급)
1. 규칙변화
1) 1 음절어, 흔히 쓰이는 2음절어 중 -er, -ow, -le, -y, -ly, -some 등으로 끝나는 것은
원급에 -er, -est를 붙여서 비교급과 최상급을 만든다.
∙tall - taller - tallest
∙long - longer - longest
∙small - smaller - smallest
2) 어미가 -e로 끝나는 것은 -r, -st를 붙인다.
∙brave - braver - bravest
∙wise - wiser - wisest
∙fine - finer - finest
3) ��-단모음+단자음��의 경우는 마지막 자음을 하나 더 쓰고 -er, -est를 붙인다.
∙big - bigger - biggest.
∙hot - hotter - hottest
∙thin - thinner - thinnest
4) -y로 끝나는 단어는 y를 i로 고치고, -er, -est를 붙인다.
(단, 모음+y로 끝나는 것은 그냥 -er, -est를 붙인다.)
∙happy - happier - happiest
∙dry - drier - driest
∙easy - easier - easiest
∙early - earlier - earliest
∙gay - gayer - gayest
∙grey - greyer - greyest
5) more, most를 붙이는 경우
⋆3음절 이상의 형용사(beautiful, diligent, interesting 등)
⋆2음절어로서 어미가 -ful, -able, -less, -ous, -ive, -ing 등으로 끝나는 단어
① 2음절어
∙useful - more useful - most useful
∙careless, famous, loving, active, etc.
② 3음절어 이상
∙beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
∙difficult, diligent, interesting, etc.
6) 복합형용사 well-known, fine-looking 등은 3음절 이상일지라도 more, most를 사용
하지 않으며, 서술용법에만 쓰이는 형용사인 afraid, fond, alive, alone, aware 등은
음절에 관계없이 more, most를 사용한다.
∙well-known - better-known - best-known
∙fine-looking - finer-looking - finest-looking : 잘생긴
2. 불규칙변화
1) good (well) - better - best
2) bad (ill) - worse - worst
3) many (much) - more - most
4) little - less - least
5) old - older - oldest : ��나이 먹은, 늙은, ∼살의�� → 노소, 신구를 말할 때
elder - eldest : ��연상의, 나이가 위인�� →형제(혈연)관계를 말할 때
∙He is three years older than I.
∙He is my elder brother.
∙My elder brother is three years older than I.
∙His eldest son is the oldest student in our school. (eldest son : 장남)
6) late - later - latest : ��늦은, 나중의�� (시간적 개념)
- latter - last : ��마지막의�� (순서적 개념)
∙The mail is later today.
∙Have you read the latter part of this book?
∙the latest news : 최근의 소식
∙the last news : 마지막 소식
∙어제 저녁 : last evening, 어제 아침(오후) : yesterday morning(afternoon)
∙그저께 저녁 : the evening before last, 전 전주 : the week before last
7) far - farther - farthest : ��먼�� (거리)
- further - furthest : ��먼, 심한�� (정도)
∙As I was very tired, I could not walk any farther.
(내가 매우 피곤했으므로, 나는 더 이상 걸을 수가 없었다.)
∙We must get further information.
(우리는 더 많은 정보를 입수해야한다.)
⋆어미가 -or인 형용사의 비교급은 than 대신에 to를 사용하며, 이 때 to는 전치사이므로
��to + 목적격��으로 사용한다.
⋆superior, inferior, senior, junior, exterior, interior, anterior, posterior, major, minor 등.
∙He is three years senior to me.
∙He is my senior by three years.
∙In point of learning he is superior to me, but in experience he is inferior to me.
∙Death is preferable to dishonor.
∙I prefer apples to pears. = I like apples better than pears.
Ⅱ. 비교법의 종류
1. 원급에 의한 비교
1) as + 원급 + as : 동등비교
not so(as) + 원급 + as : 열등비교
∙She is as tall as Tom (is).
∙I have as many books as you (have).
∙She is not so(as) tall as Tom. = Tom is taller than she (is).
∙She is as kind as Tom.
∙She is as kind as beautiful.
(동일인의 두 가지 측면을 말할 땐 as A as B : ��A하려니와 B하다��
∙You are twice as old as he (is).
2) as A as (A) can be = as A as anything : 더할 나위 없이, 극도로 A 하는.
∙He is as poor as (poor) can be. = He is as poor as anything.
3) as + 원급 + as possible = as + 원급 + as one can : 될 수 있는 한 ∼하게
∙He walked as fast as possible. = He walked as fast as he could.
∙as soon as possible = a.s.a.p (A.S.A.P)
4) as ~ as any + 명사 : 어느 누구에게도 못지 않게 ~한
as ~ as ever + 과거동사 : 지금까지 ~한 (최상급의 뜻), 누구 못지 않게 ~한
∙He was as brave as any man in the world.
∙He is as great a statesman as ever lived.
2. 비교급에 의한 비교
1) 우등비교
∙He is five inches taller than Mary.
∙This is much bigger than that.
⋆much, still, even, (by) far, a lot 등이 비교급과 함께 쓰여서 비교급을 강조하며
��훨씬, 한층��의 뜻으로 쓰인다.
2) 절대비교: 비교의 상대 없이 비교급을 쓰는 경우.
∙the younger generation (젊은 세대)
∙the higher classes (상류계급)
∙higher education (고등교육)
∙The greater part of the students are teen-agers. (학생들의 대부분은 10대들이다.)
∙Her upper teeth have to be pulled. (그녀는 윗니를 빼야한다.)
3) 열등비교.
∙Mary is less tall than Tom. = Mary is not so tall as Tom.
4) 동일인의 성질 비교
⋆같은 사람(동일인) 또는 같은 물건의 서로 다른 성질을 비교할 때는 음절에 관계없이
-er를 쓰지 않고, ��more + 원급 + than��의 형태를 쓴다.
∙He is cleverer than his brother.
∙He is more clever than wise. (more = rather)
5) the + 비교급
⋆비교급 앞에는 원칙적으로 the를 사용하지 않지만, 다음의 경우엔 the를 사용한다.
① of A and B 또는 of the two 등의 구가 있을 때.
∙Tom is the taller of the two.
② 원인이나 이유를 표시하는 부사구 또는 부사절이 있을 경우. (for, because...)
∙He worked the harder, because his master praised him.
∙I like him all the better for his faults.
③ the + 비교급 ..... the + 비교급 ......
∙The more one has, the more he wants.
3. 최상급에 의한 비교
1) 형용사의 최상급 앞에는 원칙적으로 the를 쓰나, 부사의 최상급에는 the를 쓰지 않는다.
of 다음에는 복수보통명사를, in 다음에는 단수명사를 쓴다.
∙She is the most diligent (girl) of our classmates. (= in our class)
∙He is the tallest of all his classmates.
∙The boy studies hardest of them all.
∙He runs fastest of all.
∙She is by far the tallest player in the team. (최상급을 강조할 땐 by far를 사용)
2) 최상급을 강조하기 위해서 ��that (has) ever lived��를 붙이는 경우도 있다.
∙She is the greatest poet that has ever lived.
3) even의 뜻을 가지는 최상급 (양보의 의미)
∙The wisest man does not know everything.
∙The poorest can afford to buy an apple in autumn.
∙By the law of nature the stream will run down, and the strongest man cannot stop it.
4) 절대최상급
∙This is a most interesting book to me. (a most = a very)
∙most people : 대부분의 사람들
∙the most : 가장 ~한.
∙at best : 기껏해야
∙at most : 많아야.
5) last는 부정으로 번역될 때가 있다.
∙He is the last man to tell a lie. = He is the most unlikely man to tell a lie.
∙I should be the last to do it. (나는 결코 그런 일은 안한다.)
∙She was the last woman I wanted to see.
∙The very last thing of which man can make his boast is his knowledge.
6) 최상급을 포함하는 관용구
∙He is the tallest boy but one in our class. (둘째로 키가 크다.)
∙She is a secondary cinema actress at best. (기껏해야)
∙I shall be back by five at (the) latest. (아무리 늦어도)
∙At (the) worst you will get 100 dollars. (최악의 경우라도)
∙These animals are for the most part found in desert. (대부분)
∙Try to make the best [=most] of your time. (가장 잘 이용하다.)
∙He did his best to solve the problem. (최선을 다하다)
∙I could not imagine in the least what to do. (∼조차 할 수가 없었다.)
∙This is by far the best. (월등하게 우수하다.)
∙He was among the best statesmen of England. (굴지의 유능한)
7) 최상급에 the를 붙이지 않는 경우
① the가 소유격으로 대체되는 경우나 호격이 올 때.
∙It is his greatest pleasure to read novels.
∙He is my best friend.
∙Never mind, dearest one!
② 동일인, 동일물의 성질을 비교할 때.
∙This river is deepest at this point.
③ 부사의 최상급.
∙He always works hardest in the office.
④ 최상급의 형용사가 뒤에 명사를 동반하지 않고 단독으로 보어로 쓰일 때
∙Summer is hottest. (cf. Summer is the hottest season in the year.)
∙This method is simplest and easiest.∙
⑤ most의 용법
∙Most people think so. (��대부분��, ��대다수��의 뜻)
∙He is a most proud man. (a most = a very : 의미를 강하게 하기 위함)
∙It is most kind of you to say so. (most kind가 kindest 보다 의미상 강조가 됨)
8) 비교문장 전환 (최상급의 표현 방식)
∙Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 의 내용을 다음과 같이 표현 가능.
① 부정주어 + so + 원급 + as ~
∙No (other) mountain in the world is so high as Mt. Everest.
② 부정주어 + 비교급 + than ~
∙No (other) mountain in the world is higher than Mt. Everest.
③ 주어 + 비교급 + than any other + 단수명사
∙Mt. Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world.
④ 주어 + 최상급 + of all (the) + 복수명사
∙Mt. Everest is the highest of all the mountain in the world.
1) A is no more B than C is D
= A is not B any more than C is D
= A is not B just as C is not D
= A가 B가 아닌 것은 C가 D가 아닌 것과 같다. (양자부정)
∙A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
= A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is (a fish).
2) A is no less B than C is D : C가 D인 것과 만찬가지로 A가 B이다. (양자긍정)
∙He is no less guilty as you are.
= He is as much guilty as you are.
(네가 죄가 있는 것과 마찬가지로, 그도 죄가 있다.)
3) no less a person than ~ : 다름 아닌 바로 ~인.
∙He was no less a person than the president.
(그는 다른 사람이 아닌 바로 대통령 자신이었다.)
4) not ~ more than … : 이상은 ~이 아니다.
not ~ less than … : ~보다 덜 ~하지 않다, ~에 못지 않게 ~하다.
∙He is not more diligent than you are.
∙Light is not less necessary than fresh air to health.
(빛은 신선한 공기 못지 않게 건강에 필요하다.)
5) no more than = only : 겨우, 단지.
no less than = as many as = as much as : ~만큼이나.
not more than = at most : 기껏해야.
not less than = at least : 적어도.
∙He has no more than 10,000 won. (그는 겨우 만원밖에 없다.)
∙He has no less than 10,000 won. (그는 만원이나 갖고 있다.)
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